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Array Releasing Boards New Zealand Indigenous Drama ‘Cousins’

August 08, 2021
August 08, 2021

Array Releasing, the distribution arm of Ava DuVernay’s Array collective, has picked up North America, UK and Ireland rights on the feature Cousins, helmed by Māori filmmaking duo Ainsley Gardiner and Briar Grace-Smith.

Pic debuted at No. 1 at the New Zealand box office when it was released earlier this year. It follows three Māori cousins—Mata, Missy and Makareta—who lead separate lives, yet are bound together forever. Cast includes Rachel House (Moana), Tanea Heke (No .2), co-director Briar Grace Smith (Waru), Ana Scotney (The Breaker Upperers), Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne (Hunt For The Wilderpeople), Hariata Moriarty (Savage), Mihi Te Rauhi Daniels, Te Raukura Gray and Keyahne Patrick-Williams.

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